Once upon a time, a world renowned visuals crew known as ESP sold their name to a little known guitar company caled ESP. Since then, they have admired each other's work in the custom merchandise field. Today is the day that I will big up their most recent custom; the ESP Shinigami guitar. (Shinigami in Japanese, means Demon) This scary hellspawn retails for above $20,000!! Face-melting riffs a plenty with this psycho looking guitar; a Death-Metal wet dream.
aaaawwww...it looks so damn GOOD!! I almost fell in love!! hope it sounds as cool as it looks
it was a bitch to play but then again i only got to play for a min cuz my friends dad is anal about touching his art guitars
Is the neck bolt on? cut in?
From the 2008 esp catalogue, it looks to be bolt on.
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