With a big thanks to Selph, the Volcano Zone Tourists will now be contributing to the ESP Visuals blog service.
I thought i'd kick off with a little product i used recently.
Are you tired of lugging a bucket and brush around to do your paste ups? Dont you wish you could have something you could stick in your pocket? Or better yet, take on holiday in your suitcase, and be ready to go the minute you get off the plane?
Solvite Border Adhesive kicks ass. It comes with a built in brush and sticks to concrete like no-ones business. When you've used it up, take off the brush, fill it up with whatever other glue you may have, put the brush back on and you're off.
At £3.99 its a bargain. You can get it [VIA]
Welcome VZT, to the mad world of ESPV!!!
Thats a great product actually....
Hahah! Thats wicked..
Welcome VZT!
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